Friday, December 20, 2019
Essay about The Moor in Othello - 1421 Words
The Moor in Othello Who can resist empathizing with the unfortunate protagonist in William Shakespeare’s Othello? He is so noble, and yet so victimized by the cunning Iago. Is it his â€Å"gullibility†which leads to his downfall? Morton W. Bloomfield and Robert C. Elliott in Great Plays: Sophocles to Brecht posit the â€Å"lack of insight†of the hero as the cause of his tragic fall: Othello’s lack of insight, cunningly played upon by Iago, leads to his downfall. And as the full enormity of his deed dawns upon him in the great scene of tragic self-revelation at the end, the audience may perhaps experience catharsis, that purgation of the soul brought about by an almost unbearable pity for him and his victims, and†¦show more content†¦But that he loves the gentle Desdemona, he would to have given up a life of unsettled war and his â€Å"unhoused free condition / †¦ For the sea’s worth†(1.2.26-27). (58) The first appearance of the protagonist is in Act 1 Scene2, where Iago is pathologically lying about Brabantio and himself and the ancient’s relations with the general and about everything in general. Othello responds very coolly and confidently to the pressing issue of Brabantio’s mob coming after him: â€Å"Let him do his spite. / My services which I have done the signiory / Shall out-tongue his complaints.†However, Cassio’s party approaches first, with a demand for the general’s â€Å"haste-post-haste appearance†before the Venetian council due to the Turkish attempt on Cyprus. Indeed, this talented soldier is no mere daughter-snatcher! When Brabantio’s pack has drawn their swords with the intent to fight, Othello calmly states: â€Å"Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.†He is in charge; the accused controls the mob. Politely he addresses the mob leader. â€Å"Where will you that I go / To answer this your charge?†Brabantio demands prison for the general, but this conflicts with the duke’s request for the general’s presence in council. When they have reappeared before the duke, the latter greets Othello immediately and respectfully (â€Å"Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you / Against the general enemy Ottoman.†), but doesn’t even notice the senatorShow MoreRelatedOthello, The Moor Of Venice960 Words  | 4 PagesEvil Skills There are many reasons to hate the antagonist in the play Othello, The Moor of Venice. He is a master manipulator, vindictive, evil person just to name a few. â€Å"Iago belongs to a select group of villains in Shakespeare who, while plausibly motivated in human terms, also take delight in evil for its own sake†(Bevington, 2014); for this reason he is often considered to have demonic traits. 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